Pieces of Me with Friends, My writing journey - Aprilathomas

Pieces of Me with Friends, My writing journey


Pieces of Me with Company is a collection of short stories, poetry, and original art photos. This book came about due to Hadayai's involvement with an online platform for writers. The stories are written in many genres (fiction, horror, and creative non-fiction). You get a glimpse into Hadayai's life from early childhood to adulthood. The fiction pieces are imaginative and haunting. You will find yourself experiencing a range of emotions from amusement to utter surprise. The poetry is reflective and challenging and the original pieces of art are imaginative. https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Me-Company-Hadayai-Majeed-ebook/dp/B09MMF21TK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=DUCOAUU6CD6H&keywords=pieces+of+me+hadayai+majeed&qid=1645318241&sprefix=pieces+of+me+%2Caps%2C956&sr=8-1

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