Let's Talk is an exciting new segment featuring shows that highlight deep and meaningful topics, from dating and relationships to racial divisions and healing. Each show comes with a 30-second commercial for the author’s book, with a banner of the book in the backdrop and links to purchase the book. The thought-provoking topics include “Is dating Dead?”, “What Do Women Want in a Relationship?”, “Can We Regain Lost Interest in Our Partner?”, and more. Get ready to join the conversation!
We are now booking shows to air 2024. Lock in the topic you want today. We will help promote your book while we discuss the topic. To get the most out of this we recommend selecting a show surrounding a topic from your book. After you select your show we will take your theough the next few steos to set up a time to record the show. "Let's Talk" WIll also be featured on Podcast and "The Hook" App.